Power Factor Correction

Power Factor Correction capacitors are embedded into industrial applications for correcting the power factor aspects of a supply. When you intend to switch your power supply without seeking the factor correction, you will draw a short current. And you will also experience high-magnitude pulses.

With ideal power correction, these pulses are smoothened. It is possible with the implementation of a power factor correction capacitor. And this reduces the apparent input power and RMS current, increasing the power factor. The power factor correction is responsible for shaping the input current in proper order to maximize the power from the supply (AC).

What are Power Factor Correction Capacitors?

The power factor correction capacitors remove the reactive powers from the apparent power. However, if you are unaware of Reactive power; It is the excess power used more than the active power.

This capacitor is required when you notice that the apparent current is more than the active current.

Working Methodology of Power Factor Correction

There are two types of power correction methods; Passive and Active Power Factor Correction;

Passive Power Factor Correction is preferable for small power supplies. It is around 100W or less power. Under this method, the correction requires harmonic filters of the low pass at AC input. Along with harmonic filters, you need to connect the PFC capacitor with the inductor. You must connect them in such a way that they form a series resonance circuit.

Similarly, Active Power Factor Correction is preferable for power supplies that are over 100W. The use of this method is responsible for giving even efficient corrections. It consists of control circuits; responsible for measuring current & voltage. Also, it adjusts the duty cycle and switching time. It also ensures that the current and input voltage lies in a phase. Hence, it offers automated correction aspects for the AC voltage. And, the theoretical PFC output would be 0.95 or even unity.

The Necessity of Using Power Factor Correction Capacitors

At Powermatrix, we make efforts to help our clients know about the products or services we offer, to help them make a better decision. We are offering high-quality power correction capacitors to meet the displacement Power Factor needs.

The Displacement PF is known as the cosine value of the angle formed between the fundamental current and voltage of a load. The presence of such harmonics increases RMS voltage and current, which increases the load KVA.

The use of capacitors is solely responsible for improving the displacement power factor. Adding correction capacitors is one of the most common methods to meet the required power factor level. Within an AC circuit, the magnetic reversal caused due to the phase difference between voltage and current occurs around 50 to 60 times every second. The use of a capacitor is what helps relieve the supply line of reactive power. And, the capacitor stores magnetic reversal energy to make this possible!

In simpler words, a motor demands a lagging or inductive reactive power that is supposed to help you with magnetizing. The role of capacitors is to offer leading or capacitive reactive power for canceling out the lagging power. And to promote the power factor improvement.

Therefore, we recommend the use of capacitors for correcting the power factor of the power supply. And, Powermatrix can help you with this solution!

Benefits of Power Factor Correction Capacitors

Why Choose Us?

At Powermatrix, we believe in maintaining transparency with all of our clients. Therefore, we believe in helping out to understand the products we are dealing with; So that you can get a better understanding before you can plan on integrating them.

So, put an end to your search for the best manufactures that offer you power factor correction capacitors. Powermatrix is here to help you out with it! Reach out to us today and get your PFC capacitors.


Capacitors implement the effects of capacitance, which is the opposite of inductance. Each kVar of capacitance is responsible for decreasing the reactive power demands as per the same amount.

In case, you are over correcting the power factor, you may be possibly making the current rise again. Hence, you are getting no benefit out of it! But instead, you will be damaging the equipment.

The inductive load is the cause of low or poor power factors.

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Install between the upstream circuit breaker and the contactor.
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What are Power Factor Correction Capacitors?

Working Methodology of Power Factor Correction

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    Power Matrix Solution


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