by in Power Factor Correction

Technologies that help in how to improve energy efficiency in industry

How to improve energy efficiency in industry? Some proactive technologies are innovated and are being implemented to ensure that the industries become more energy-efficient. These technologies are better and are now being adopted by the industries in the market to save money on energy bills. Moreover, making the industry energy efficient will reduce the load […]

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Services provided by PMX across board

Pre Sales Service. We assist our clients to choose the right type of power quality products. Application Support Our engineering staff will help you assess your power quality requirements to find the optimal solution for your application. Expertise and practical field experience are indispensable for optimal design and proper use of the power quality products. […]

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    Power Matrix Solution


    Factory-Plot 221 Behind Oswal Industrial Complex, Mouje, Bhadwad Gaon, Sonale Village, Bhiwandi, Thane - 421 302. Maharashtra, India.


    +91 9594051710