by in APFC Panel, Harmonic Filters, Hybrid PQ Filters, Power Factor Correction, Power Quality Filters

Top 5 Benefits of Hybrid PQ Filters

What are Hybrid PQ Filters? Hybrid PQ Filters are well known for optimizing the power quality. It combines active harmonic filters and passive harmonic filters inside the same system. Hybrid harmonic filters comprise the advantages of active as well as passive technology. It also helps in harmonics elimination from the power supply network. Passive power […]

by in APFC Panel, Power Factor Correction

The Ultimate Guide to Use the APFC Panel to increase the power factor

Understanding the use of APFC panel to increase the power factor is highly significant today. Expecting industrial appliances to function effectively without a considerable amount of power supply is a myth! Adhering to the specific considerations is vital for overseeing & regulating electricity use. Power factor, precisely, provides the estimation of the total power used. […]

by in Harmonic Filters

Pros and cons of passive harmonic filter

Introduction: Passive Harmonic Filter Passive Harmonic Filters is the widely accepted technique that regulates the harmonic current progression. Various cycles of the capacitors or capacitance & reactors or inductance are used to construct an LC circuit. This current is usually parallel to the power source. There also exist sophisticated layouts comprising the many LC circuits […]

by in Reactive power compensation

What is Reactive Power Compensation and its Impact on Power Quality

Introduction: Reactive power compensation and its impact on power quality Providing the enhanced power quality to the AC – Alternating current systems is quintessential. What it does is protect your overall system & ensure less consumption of energy along with curtailed energy costs. The Reactive power compensation and its impact on power quality have been […]

by in Power Factor Correction

A Step by Step Guide to Reduce Energy cost with Power Factor Correction

Introduction The energy requirements and usage by established businesses and other chemical or electrical industries are enormous. It leads to extra power costing to the factory owners. The network providers ask these business owners for additional fees if their power usage increases from the daily estimated power supply. So, if you want to decrease the […]

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    Power Matrix Solution


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    +91 9594051710